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Manta Rays Board & Committees

Board Descriptions

President - Amy Beahm

Executive Team priorities

  • Ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the organization
  • Lead team meetings
  • Oversees execution of Board meetings
  • Oversees Contract Manager and Team Representative Committee Roles

Vice President - VACANT

Conduct Swim Operations

  • Owns responsibility for successful execution of all swim meets
    Oversees Facilities & Equipment Manager, Staff Manager, Swim Operations Manager and Computer Operator Committee Roles

Communications Director – VACANT

Communicate Team Information

  • Responsible for overall messaging and team communication with team members and the swim community
  • Oversees Secretary, Roster Manager and Communications Manager Committee Roles

Treasurer – VACANT

Manage Team Finances

  • Responsible for financial performance and reporting for the organization
  • Oversees Legal Advisor, Accounts Manager, Revenue Manager and Purchasing Manager Committee Roles

Social Director – VACANT

Drive Fundraising and Social Activities

  • Responsible for apparel, social activities and overall culture of the team
  • Oversees Apparel Manager, Social Coordinator, Spirit Coordinator and Photographer Committee Roles

Committee Descriptions

Contracts Manager - VACANT

Execute Agreements

  • Execute coaching contracts
  • Execute HOA facility use agreement

Team Representative - Amy Beahm

Represent Team to Host Facilities

  • Attend HOA Board meetings
  • Coordinate issues with pool committee

Represent Team at League Events

  • Represent team at meets
  • Represent team at league meetings
  • Interface with other league teams

Facilities & Equipment Manager - VACANT

Manage Resources

  • Manage facilities
  • Maintain equipment

Staff Manager – VACANT

Manage Personnel

  • Oversee coaching staff
  • Manage officials
  • Manage swim meet volunteers

Swim Operations Manager - VACANT

Conduct Swimming Events

  • Run meet events
  • Run practice events
  • Run training events

Computer Operations Manager – Sreedhar Mogulla

Ensure Accuracy of Event Data

  • Execute technical operations
  • Recommend technical solutions

Secretary - VACANT

Maintain Team Governance

  • Draft\Update Charter
  • Draft\Update By-Laws
  • Draft meeting agendas
  • Record board decisions

Roster Manager - Katherine Bhat

Maintain Rosters

  • Manage registration
  • Maintain membership list
  • Maintain billing groups
  • Maintain practice group rosters

Communications Manager - VACANT

Manage Team Communications

  • Monitor team Inbox
  • Maintain web site information
  • Distribute email information
  • Draft\Update handbook
  • Maintain signage
  • Maintain bulletin board
  • Draft\Distribute news letters

Legal Manager - VACANT

Maintain Legal Entity

  • Maintain state registrations
  • Maintain tax records

Accounts Manager – VACANT

Establish and Adhere to Annual Budget

  • Manage bank accounts
  • Conduct financial transactions
  • Track revenue\expenses vs budget
  • Prepare financial reports
  • Recommend fee structure

Revenue Manager – VACANT

Manage Revenue Generation

  • Manage sponsorship campaigns
  • Manage fundraising efforts
  • Manage concessions
  • Manage vending operations
  • Manage merchandise sales

Purchasing Manager – VACANT

Execute Capital Expenditures

  • Purchase sponsorship banner, medals and trophies and end of year gifts
  • Assist other volunteers in securing competitive quotes\bids as necessary (pizza vendors, sponsorship chair, etc.)

Apparel Manager – Sonja Fitzpatrick

Manage Team Apparel

  • Select team suits
  • Coordinate accessory sets
  • Membership apparel liaison

Social Manager - VACANT

Manage Team Social Events

  • Develop and manage individual activities
  • Manage parties and awards ceremony
  • Manage participation in other community events

Spirit Manager – VACANT

Enhance Spirit at Meets

  • Decorate pool area
  • Establish a theme for each meet and supply costumes or accessories
  • Manage music

Photographer – VACANT

Capture the Moments

  • Schedule and manage the team photo
  • Attend at least 2 regular meets plus the Divisional meet to capture action shots
  • Make photos available to the team on a web site
  • Create slide show presentation of photos from the season for awards ceremony

Swimmer Recognitions – VACANT

Recognize swimmer accomplishments

  • Create team wall display
  • Recognize accomplishments after each meet
  • Run reports to determine high point and most improved in each category for end of year awards

Other Key Positions

Clerk of Course - VACANT

Organize swimmers

  • Seat swimmers in chairs in the order they will swim their event by lane and heat
  • Coordinate with Swimmer Coordinator to move kids from waiting area

Volunteer Manager & Coordinator - Dwipshikha Shome

Manage volunteers

  • Set up volunteer jobs in the system for each event
  • Keep track of volunteer hours in the system
  • Serve as check-in contact for volunteers

Stroke & Turn Judges - VACANT (10)

Officiate meets

  • Watch lanes during each event to deterimine if the stroke and turns are being completed correctly
  • Complete DQ slips for swimmers that have been disqualified from a particular event
  • This is a position that requires training and certification through the League

Starter & Referee - Lance Beahm & Anibal Avalos

Officiate meets

  • Referee must have knowledge of all deck official positions and meet administrative responsibilities
  • Starter is responsible for the correct start of each event during a meet. May also be responsible for Announcer functions
  • This is a position that requires training and certification through the League
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